Why do so few women occupy positions of national political leadership in Canada?
Compare the nature and effects of the single-member plurality (or first-past-the-post) and mixed-member proportional (or additional member) voting systems. Which is the better system?
Compare the history and ideology of two existing national political parties of Canada, the United States, or the United Kingdom.
What is the political role of interest groups in western liberal democracies? In what ways do interest groups enhance democratic government? In what ways can they undermine it?
“Despite having gained formal political equality in western liberal democracies, women continue to face formidable systemic barriers to participation in national politics.”
“Current demands for the use of referenda as a means of ratifying laws should be resisted. Among other things, extensive use of referenda would make it virtually impossible to adopt necessary though unpopular laws.”
After developing the argument through a connected series of points, close the paper with a conclusion which sums up the main points and relates them to the thesis of the paper.
B) Clarity (5/30)
Present your points clearly and logically. Write the paper as if it were directed to a general, reasonably well-educated audience. Accordingly, be sure to define key terms (such as “direct democracy” or “systemic discrimination”). As the paper should be written in your own words, direct quotations should be used sparingly and only to advance or clarify your argument.
C) Evidence (10/30)
Support your points with research and with rational, balanced arguments. As the essay topics deal with issues that are open to a range of plausible interpretations, be sure to acknowledge important viewpoints which run contrary to your own. Briefly evaluate them before moving on to your next point.
D) Style (5/30)
Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation and be sure to provide references for all quotations and research sources used.
Sources must be cited with footnotes or endnotes (sometimes called “the Chicago style”) and must be listed in a separate bibliography. Note that the proper variant to use is the Humanities style.
Do not use the MLA or APA citation format.
For details on avoiding plagiarism and on the correct use of footnotes or endnotes, see Guidelines for Academic Essays (Dept. of History, Latin, and Political Science, 2012) and the relevant pages on citation of the Library website.
For those students with little or no recent experience in writing a research paper, the following is a suggested series of steps.
1) Choose a topic from the list of approved term paper topics.
2) Conduct brief research on the topic. For a preliminary list of sources, refer to the bibliographic references in the Dyck text and in relevant supplementary readings. Then search the library for additional materials.
3) Write a thesis statement.
4) Make an outline of the points you intend to make.
5) Start writing. You may need to conduct further research on specific points as you write your first draft.
6) Keep accurate notes of all library sources used so that you may compile a complete list of references. Avoid plagiarism!
7) Use at least four (4) different sources, citing appropriate passages from them through the use of footnotes or endnotes.
B) The paper should be double-spaced and typed in 12-point type.
C) If using endnotes, place them on a separate page at the end of the paper, ahead of the Bibliography.
D) The Bibliography should be on a separate page, after the Endnotes page (if applicable).
E) Pages in the body of the paper should be numbered.
Conduct brief research on the topic. For a preliminary list of sources, refer to the bibliographic references in the Dyck text and in relevant supplementary readings.
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