
This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO2: Demonstrate leadership strategies that promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice and increase collaboration with other disciplines when planning patient-centered care within systems-based practice. (PO2)


Now that you have examined the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies©, why do you think these competencies were selected? Which two of the 10 competencies will be most important to your future nursing practice, and why?


To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion board title and then Show Rubric.

Scrocynski et al. (2017) noted that it took four years of review and collaboration to develop the Nurse of the Future Core Competencies (NoF NCC). Numerous reasons were given for the necessity of these NCCs, including”increased focus on interprofessional competencies, collaboration, and teamwork” (Scrocynski et al., 2017, p. 234). As you are already practicing, you should be integrating the core competencies already. As a reminder, the Nurse of the Future Core Competencies include:

  • Patient-centered care
  • Professionalism
  • Informatics and technology
  • Evidence-based practice (EBP)
  • Leadership
  • Systems-based practice
  • Safety
  • Communication
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Quality improvement

(Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, 2016, p. 4).

What were the reasons for the selection of these competencies? Discuss two of the competencies as they relate to your practice.


Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. (2016). Creativity and connections: Building the framework for the future of nursing education and practice. Retrieved from https://www.mass.edu/nahi/documents/NOFRNCompetencies_updated_March2016.pdfLinks to an external site.

Sroczynski, M., Conlin, G., Costello, E., Crombie, P., Hanley, D., Tobin, M., & Welsh, D. (2017). Continuing the creativity and connections: The Massachusetts initiative to update the nurse of the future nursing core competencies. Nursing Education Perspectives, 38(5), 233-236. http://dx.doi.org.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000200