Quinsigamond Community College     

NUR 202-FA Fall 2019

     Evidence-Based Practice Paper and Presentation Guidelines  

  • Each student will develop an evidence based practice (EBP) paper and presentation emphasizing best practices on a medical-surgical topic related to course & clinical content. Topics must be approved by faculty. No duplication of topics is allowed within each clinical group.
  • The paper will include the cover page, 2-3 pages for the body of the paper, and a reference list.
  • The paper must include a minimum of two professional nursing articles published within the past 5 years.
    • Articles should be research or evidence based, preferably from nursing journals but may be from a related health field if appropriate for the topic
    • Opinions, blogs, editorials, etc. are not research or evidence based
    • QCC Library Research Process Guide: http://qcc.mass.libguides.com/researchprocess
  • APA format
    • Double spaced, one inch margins, with Times New Roman size 12 font
    • Include a cover page, cite all sources quoted or paraphrased in the paper using APA format, and include a reference list with all cited sources listed in APA format.


  • The presentation should be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation, brochure, poster board, or other visual aid. Please be creative in the 10-15 minute presentation.
  • The grading rubric specifies how points are allotted for the paper and presentation (after passing the course with at least 77 per the syllabus). Focus on the “Meets Expectations” column.


    • Go to Clinical content folder – Assignments – Evidence-Based Practice Paper (Turnitin)
    • Turnitin checks for plagiarism so make sure to cite all paraphrased and quoted material. All work not cited must be original to the student.
  • Presentation date: See clinical rotation schedule/per clinical faculty.

Revised 8.7.19 STJ/MLM

Grading Rubric for Evidence-Based Practice Assignment


Performance Indicators
Objective/Criteria Unacceptable Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Spelling & Grammar (0-1 point)
Major spelling and grammar errors
(3 points)
Minor spelling and grammar errors
(5 points)
No spelling or grammar errors
Submitted On Time (0-1 point)
Paper is submitted more than 24 hours after due date and time
(3 points)
Paper is submitted within 24 hours of due date and time
(5 points)
Paper is submitted by due date & time
APA Style (0-1 point)
Major APA formatting errors with in text referencing or reference page
(2-4 points)
Minor APA formatting errors with in-text referencing or reference page
(5 points)
Paper and reference page strictly adheres to APA style formatting
Quality of Evidence (0 points)
Evidence is based on non- evidence based sources or non-nursing/healthcare articles.
(5-10 points)
Evidence is based on less than 2 current nursing/healthcare articles or non-current (more than 5 years old).
(15 points)
Evidence is based on 2 current nursing/healthcare articles (within the past 5 years).
Focus of Evidence (0 points)
Evidence does not provide implication for nursing practice.
(5 points)
Evidence provides some implication for nursing practice.
(10 points)
Evidence provides implication for nursing practice.
NPSG Competency (0 points)

Lacks evidence of integration of NPSG competency.

(3-5 points)

Some evidence of integration of NPSG competency.

(7 points)                          Integration of NPSG competencies discussed.
Paper Length (0-1 point)
Body of paper is less than 2 pages and/or is not double-spaced with one-inch margins.
(2 points)
Body of paper is less than 2 pages, greater than 3 pages and/or is not double-spaced with one-inch margins.
(3 points)
Body of paper is 2-3 pages long and is double-spaced with one-inch margins.
Content Organization (0-2 points)
Information is not clearly stated, supported, not easy to follow, and paper is difficult to understand.
(5-10 points)
Information is stated but not easy to follow.  There is minimal support through nursing literature and application of concept into nursing
(20 points)
Information is clearly stated, supported, and easy to follow with integration of nursing literature found throughout the paper. Presents current standards and research based information on the topic.
Total points for paper:_______

(max 70 points)

Paper Comments:









Topic Choice (0 point)

Does not define background and importance of topic

(1-2 point)

Limited definition of background and importance of topic

(2.5 points)

Defines background and importance of topic

Organization (0-0.5 point)

Information is not presented in a logical sequence

(1-2 point)

Information is generally presented in a logical sequence

(2.5 points)

Information is presented in a logical sequence

Implication for Nursing (0 point)

Implications for nursing not presented

(1-2 point)

Implication for nursing is minimally presented and/or not specific to topic.

(2.5 points)

Implications for nursing are presented and specific to topic.

NPSG application (0 point)

NPSG is not identified or discussed.


(1-2 point)

NPSG is discussed but does not align with chosen topic.

(2.5 points)

NPSG aligns with chosen topic and is discussed.

Speaking Skills Pronunciation (0-0.5 point)

Speaker lacks eye contact, animation, and/or reads the presentation.

(1-2 point)

Speaker is somewhat animated and makes eye contact during parts of the presentation.

(2.5 points)

Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience and is animated

Delivery of Content (0-0.5 point)

Delivery lacks poise and is not audible.

Pronunciation is incorrect.

(1-2 point)

Delivery is unclear and occasionally difficult to hear.

Pronunciation is generally correct.

(2.5 points)

Delivery is poised, clear and a Pronunciation is correct udible.

Professional Attire (0-0.5 point)

Dressed inappropriately. General attire not appropriate for audience

(jeans, t-shirt, shorts). Lack of professional grooming, head to toe.

(1-2 point)

Dressed in a casual, but not necessarily professional manner (revealing blouse, t-shirt, sneakers, etc.). Fairly neat.

(2.5 points)

Dressed in a professional manner. Generally neat and well-groomed.

Visual Aids (0-0.5 point)

Visual aids poorly prepared, distracting, ineffective or not used

(1-2 point)

Visual aids minimally prepared and/or somewhat distracting and ineffective

(2.5 points)

Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and not distracting

Length (0-0.5 point)

Length of presentation is more than 10 minutes over the time limit

(1-2 point)

Length of presentation is less than 5 minutes or 5-10 minutes over the time limit

(2.5 points)

Length of presentation is within the allotted time limit

Accuracy (0-0.5 point)

Information contains several inaccurate points and is not thorough

(1-2 point)

Information contains few inaccurate points and/or is limited

(2.5 points)

Information is communicated accurately and thoroughly

Question Response (0-0.5 point)

Speaker is unable to answer questions or requires correction of more than two answers by faculty for accuracy

(1-2 point)

Speaker is limited in ability to answer questions and/or requires correction of 1-2 answers by faculty.

(2.5 points)

Speaker is able to answer questions professionally and accurately

Closing Statement (0-0.5 point)

Lacks a conclusion to summarize the presentation

(1-2 point)

Provides a limited conclusion to summarize the presentation.

(2.5 points)

Provides an obvious conclusion to summarize the presentation.

Total points for presentation: ________

(max 30 points)

Presentation Comments:
Paper and Presentation graded by:                                                                                                       Date: __/__/___

Total EBP Project Points: __________   80-86 (1 point), 87-93 (2 points), 94-100 (3 points)