 This assignment must be completed individually.
 You must use the Harvard referencing system.
 Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).

A service blueprint is a diagram that visualizes the relationships between different service components. They can be a particularly useful tool for outlining the customer experience. A blueprint will describe the critical service steps objectively and depict them so that employees, customers and managers alike know what the service is, can see their role in its delivery, and understand all the steps and flows involved in the service process. Careful analysis of each contact point in the blue print will reveal where problems might occur so they can be anticipated and avoided (Hudson and Hudson, 2017).
Famous models on yachts! Exclusive island once owned by Pablo Escobar! Those  were just some of the selling points for Fyre Festival, a supposedly opulent music weekend that was scheduled to begin in the Bahamas on Thursday, with “first-class culinary experiences and a luxury atmosphere,” along with performances by G.O.O.D.
Music, Major Lazer, Migos and more.
Promoted by Instagram influences including Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid and Emily Ratajkowski as a never-before-seen V.I.P. event, the gathering — with weekend ticket packages starting around $1,200 and topping six-figures with extras — was supposed to compete in an increasingly elaborate landscape of boutique music festivals that have sprung up in the wake of Coachella.
But when guests arrived on the island of Great Exuma for the inaugural weekend, they found something closer to “Survivor”: grounds that were woefully lacking in the promised amenities, replaced instead by dirt fields, soggy tents and folding chairs (Coscarelli and Ryzik, 2017).
ASSIGNMENT Task One Using secondary research, provide an overview of Fyre Festival. Include its history, the demographic profile of its target market and any global consumer trends it follows. (1000 words) 30 marks
Assessment Criteria:
 Knowledge and understanding of the Fyre Festival and its demographic profile of customers.
 Knowledge and understanding of the global consumer trends that Fyre festival leverage the likely expectations of a typical Fyre Festival customer.
 Ability to demonstrate Referencing, a bibliography and effective communication
Task one outline:
o Overview
o Examine the demographic profile of Fyre Festival customers (include a definition of a demographic profile)
o Examine the global consumer trends that Fyre Festival leverage (include a definition of a consumer trend)
o Based on your research, describe the likely expectations of a typical Fyre Festival customer.
Based on evidence from your secondary research, create a service blueprint to depict the journey of a Fyre Festival customer. Using the blueprint, identify where the service failure occurred and outline the consequences. (2000 words) 60 marks
Assessment Criteria:
 Knowledge and understanding of the customers service journey at the Fyre Festival.
 Knowledge and understanding of the onstage and back stage interactions and support processes at the Fyre Festival customer.
 Ability to apply a service blueprint and outline the consequences of service failure and make recommendations on how to recover service at the Fyre Festival.
 Ability to demonstrate Referencing, a bibliography and effective communication.
Task two outline:
o Examine a Fyre Festival customer’s service journey
o Describe the physical evidence of the service journey
o Identify the “On Stage” interactions (touchpoints) with team members
o Identify the “Back Stage” interactions
o Identify the support processes
o Apply the knowledge to a service blueprint diagram and include customer emotions, the line of interaction, the line of visibility and the line of internal interaction (template on the VLE)
o Identify where the service failure occurred
o Outline the consequences of the service failure and make recommendations on how to recover the service.
Referencing, bibliography and effective communication (10 marks)
Reading List
Coscarelli, J. and Melena Ryzik, M., 2017. Fyre Festival, a Luxury Music Weekend, Crumbles in the Bahamas. NY Times [online] 28 April. Available at: <https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/28/arts/music/fyre-festival-ja-rule-bahamas.html> [Accessed 30 July 2019].
Gibbons, S., 2017. Service Blueprints: Definition. [online] 27 August. Available at: <https://www.nngroup.com/articles/service-blueprints-definition/> [Accessed 30 July 2019].
Hudson, S. and Hudson, L., 2017. Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism. Oxfordshire: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd.
Example Blueprint