Go through this recap material for your marketing report           

    Marketing plan report

Title page (include your name and the name of your seminar tutor)

Tables of content

Executive summary


III.   Situation Analysis  – Where are we now?


Company Analysis


Customer Analysis


Competitor Analysis







Market share


Number, Type

Value drivers

Decision process

Concentration of customer base for particular products

Market position



Market shares

Partnerships, Subsidiaries, joint ventures, and distributors, etc.



SWOT Analysis (can incorporate some PESTEL elements)


  Internal factors External factors
Positive factors strengths Opportunities
  What are we best at?

Examples of strengths:

workforce specific skills,  intellectual property,  financial resources,

Our product or brand(s) reputation makes people buy from us?

Note: a growing market or new markets are not strengths; they are opportunities

Can we exploit:

any environment changes? demographic changes?

weaknesses in our competitors?

new technology ?

Could assets be used in other ways? New markets? Potential successful alliances?


Negative factors weaknesses Threats
  What are we worst at doing?

The company’s lack of strength in a particular area may not be a weakness, if competitors also lack this particular strength

Changes in the environment? What might our competitors be able to do to hurt us?




Where do we want to be? Objectives and tactics

(Short and long-term projections of revenues, expenses, break even, brand equity, etc)


Below are a few possible goals you might have:

  • Introduce new products or services
  • Target a new customer persona
  • Extend/regain market
  • Build brand awareness
  • Develop brand loyalty
  • Grow market share
  • Build industry authority
  • Boost sales
  • Enter into # long-term contracts
  • Improve delivery and customer service
  • Increase brand exposure and engagement



Example of marketing objectives and strategies


How do we get there?  Strategic use of technology, selected marketing strategy (STP) and marketing mix


Include specific references and provide evidence from primary research, in possible, and academic references


Market Segmentation ( Present a description of the market segmentation):

                                                Segment 1

Description /geo-demographics



Percent of sales


How are they?


Personality, attitudes, values, etc

Behavioural How they use product/service? Key benefit sought?

What they want


How to reach them



Support requirements


Level of price sensitivity






Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP)


You could try to find answers to questions like these:

  • Who are the types of people your chosen business wants to target?
  • What keeps customers loyal and coming back for more?
  • What factors does this business have that create interest and adds value?
  • Are they missing any gap in the market?
  • How do their competitors advertise to and connect with the community they target?


An example of a Buyer Persona Profile Information

  • Single
  • Young Professional
  • Central London, flat
  • Income £40,000+
  • Values: Human connection, promotes positive social change, educated, long-term dating
  • Problems: Has a hard time meeting like-minded and aged people, busy work schedules, wants long-term relationships, sick of the same old bar scenes, wants to create positive social change in communities
  • Interests: News and current events, socializing, arts and experiences, communication, gym, healthy lifestyle, Instagram and Facebook, traveling, education, dating sites and services, reading, religion and social issues


Target market



The target market consists of the individuals or businesses that you identify as the most desirable customers.


It will determine any business’ marketing practices and not vice-versa.



Brand positioning –One of the most important  aspects of marketing is to give your customers a reason to buy your products


What are your products? What are their benefits? How do they differ from  competition?


Approaches to positioning:

product attribute and benefits price/quality use or application product class product user competitor


Marketing mix- Strengths, weaknesses and recommendations



Evaluate the type of products or services the business provides to customers, as well as their physical attributes, including packaging

What they do? The key benefits they provide or could provide

How they differ, or could differ, from their competitors

How could they improve on their augmented product/services such as warranties, delivery, after sales, etc.?





Evaluate the price strategies used (e.g. premium, price skimming, price penetration)

Provide suitable recommendations

How could they reduce costs?

How could they increase their profitability?

How can they use price to become more competitive?

What Incentives can they offer to increase sales?

How can price be used to communicate level of quality offered and status?





Assess how attractive or not is their business location for their customers?

How convenient is it for customers?

Suitability to target desired customer segments

Target market

Channel structure

Channel management

Retailer image

Retail logistics

Retail distribution


Promotion/ Communication mix-

Evaluate how effective and integrated (IMC) is their marketing communication?

How can it be coordinated so customers have a clear, distinct image of the retailer and not be confused by conflicting information?

What improvements can be made to their point of sale (POS) and point of purchase (POP) activity, store atmosphere, events/ publicity/PR and branding?

Assess their use (or not) of:


sales promotion

websites/ SEO

in store radio/signage.

personal selling

Direct marketing, eg email

Word of mouth/ reviews, influencers, etc..

Which ones should they invest more on and why?



Staff capability




Customer-staff interaction

Internal marketing


Physical evidence

Shops layout

Reception, checkout

The shop itself

Customer-staff interaction


Written or recorded customer testimonials

Bill receipts

Visual merchandising

replenishment levels /out of stocks




Order processing

Database management

Service delivery

Queuing system

Standardisation of operations


Customer service includes:

The support services that a retailer has

The credit policies

product returns policies

Buzzwords in retail today, aimed at delivering better customer service:

Relationship marketing  and CRM

data warehousing