Week 7:
Reflect on how you have been given feedback in the past. What feedback strategies were effective?
Reflect on times when YOU provided feedback. What motivated you to give feedback? How was it received?

Week 8:
Free write for 5 minutes about a social issue you are passionate about. Go back and review what you wrote for organization, clarity, quality, and articulation of the intended meaning.
This entry will include 3 items:
1. Initial 5 minute free write
2. Critical review of what you wrote
3.A revised version of the paragraph

Week 9:
Discuss a situation in which you did not take initiative but should have. What might have happened if you had taken initiative in the situation?
Discuss a time you took initiative, describing what the situation was and what warranted you taking initiative.
Discuss a situation in which someone else took initiative; why did they take initiative and what did it look like? What was the impact of their initiative?

Week 10:
Describe your experience with oral presentations. What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to these types of presentations? For each weakness come up with a mitigation plan that you can implement as you prepare for your Project #2 presentation.

Week 11:
Share examples of non-inclusive behavior you have seen or experienced. Discuss what made these behaviors non-inclusive.