Portfolio 3 Assignment

Use your answers from Portfolio 3 Worksheet to write an essay about your diet and physical activity habits. Write your essay for an audience who has limited knowledge of the subject. Be sure to define terms that you discuss.

  1. Create a table of your personal micronutrient intake and corresponding guideline for water, two vitamins, and two minerals of your choice. Include the sources of these nutrients in your diet (i.e. specific foods and/or supplements.)
  2. Write a narrative to explain the data in the table.
  3. State the functions for water and the selected vitamins (2) and minerals (2).
  4. Discuss how your water, vitamin, and mineral intake affect your health and wellness. What conditions are you at risk of developing based on your intake of the nutrients that you selected?
  5. Identify a behavior modification strategy and explain how you can use this strategy to improve your water, vitamin, and mineral intake.
  1. Discuss at least 2 personal challenges and barriers to meeting/not meeting guidelines.
  1. Explain how your physical and social environments affect your ability to meet the micronutrient guidelines.
  2. Writing Process:  Essay must include title page, introduction, thesis statement, conclusion, and reference page.
  3. Follow APA formatting rules:
    • 1-inch margins
    • Times New Roman font, size 12
    • Double-spaced
    • Title page required
    • Subject headers
    • Cite textbook

APA guidelines and sample paper can be found at the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

Grading Rubric

Content Outstanding – 28 pts Adequate – 21 pts Needs Improvement – 14 pts
Water, Vitamins, and Minerals

1.       Includes a table with personal nutrient intake and corresponding guideline for:

·         Water

·         2 vitamins

·         2 minerals

·         Dietary sources

2.       Writes a robust narrative explaining the information contained in the table.

3.       States the functions for each nutrient (water, two vitamins, two minerals)

Includes all required components and includes details from Portfolio 3 Worksheet. Table is missing 2 pieces of required information.

Narrative does not explain all contents of the table.

Missing function for 1 nutrient or states functions with errors.


Table is missing more than 2 pieces of required information.

Narrative does not adequately explain the table.

Missing functions for 2 or more nutrients.


Consequences and Changes Identifies conditions you are at risk of developing based on your intake for 3 nutrients.

Identifies a behavior modification strategy and explains how you can use this strategy to improve your water, vitamin, and mineral intake.

Identifies conditions you are at risk of developing based on your intake for 2 nutrients or for 3 with errors.

Identifies a behavior modification strategy and explains how you can use this strategy to improve your water, vitamin, and mineral intake.

Identifies conditions you are at risk of developing based on your intake for 1 or less nutrients.

Missing behavior modification strategy or explanation on how to use this strategy to improve water, vitamin, and mineral intake.

Challenges and Barriers Discusses at least 2 personal challenges or barriers to meeting the guidelines.

Explains how your physical and social environments affect your ability to meet the micronutrient guidelines.

Discusses 1 personal challenge or barrier to meeting the guidelines.

Limited explanation of how your physical and social environments affect your ability to meet the micronutrient guidelines.

Does not discuss personal challenges or barriers to meeting the guidelines.

Does not explain how your physical and social environments affect your ability to meet the micronutrient guidelines.




Writing Process Outstanding – 5 pts Adequate – 3.75 pts Needs Improvement – 2.5 pts
Introduction and Thesis Statement Introduction attracts reader’s attention and gives some context or background to the focus of the essay.

Thesis statement (usually one sentence) is specific and covers what will be discussed in the essay.

Attempts to write an introduction that attracts reader’s attention.

Provides little context or background to the focus of the essay.

Thesis statement is not specific and does not cover what will be addressed in the essay.

Missing introduction and/or thesis.
Conclusion Conclusion brings closure, sums up the main points of the essay, and provides a final perspective on the topic.

Conclusion includes a call for action. What does the author plan to do with the information learned?

Conclusion does not bring closure, sum up the main points of the essay, or provide a final perspective on the topic.

Conclusion does not include a call for action or discuss what the author plans to do with the information learned?

Missing conclusion
Presentation Content is organized and flows.

Includes title page and reference list and follows APA formatting:

  • 1-inch margins
  • Times New Roman font, size 12
  • Double-spaced
  • Title page
  • Reference page
  • Subject headers
  • Cites textbook

Few if any spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Content is mostly organized.

Attempts to follow APA formatting.

Contains 3 – 5 spelling and/or grammatical errors.


Content is unorganized.

Does not follow APA formatting.

Contains more than 5 spelling and/or grammatical errors.