Final Assessment for International Marketing and Business Environment

In the interim, you have already described how a multinational company of your choice entered and operates in your country.  Now you must research the global operations of the same company.

Country of origin

Activities of the company

A brief historic of its share price

Legal structures

Management structures

Brand and branding: company vs. product

Marketing mix as it may or not be applied in various countries

Taxes paid as a proportion of profit

Any issues on taxation

Favourable and unfavourable press or other media.

After the research and descriptive part of your paper, draw conclusions on what you have learnt for yourself from this module and this assessment.

The important key issues as below, and the listing them here should both guide your research and direct you in the final, graded assessment:

  1. how has a multinational firm expanded, entered countries and structured their operations?
  2. what does it do to be a responsible (or irresponsible) tax payer? Does it use tax havens?
  3. how are its world-wide operations managed? Consider headquarters and national management and the interaction.
  4. what is the firm’s central promotional and branding policy (and content) and how is it adopted to local conditions and culture. This involves you understanding the impact of national culture (we are covering that now in unit 4)

In addressing these issues, please apply the concepts to the firm and country you have chosen, please take into consideration the feedback your have received for your interim assignment. You may have realized that wide and intensive secondary research is the key to this assessment.

It is important that you develop your own thoughts, based on reading from textbooks and peer-reviewed articles, rather than assemble a paper from other writers’ words.

Please do note that plagiarism will be taken extremely seriously for the final paper.

There is a word count limit of 4000 (+/- 10%) in case of the final assessment. The word count does not include the Table of Contents and references.

IMPORTANT: Please submit your final assessments in MS Word only.