Valerie Hughes-D’Aeth, Group HR Director at BBC, argues:
‘We are here in HR as an integral part of the BBC, providing support and
services to enable the contributions of our people to be maximised. No matter
what the business, for HR to function with integrity and impact, you have to
have strong operational foundations in place and an HR team willing to fully
commit to the organisation and to working together’ (Hughes-D’Aeth, 2019).
How far do you agree with this assessment of the role of HRM?
In answering this question, which should take the form of a properly structured short
essay, you should:
• provide evidence of engagement with relevant sources, concepts and
knowledge base acquired during the first part of the module – including your
reading and understanding of the nature of strategic HRM;
• discuss the key characteristics of the role of HRM emerging from her view
(e.g. relation between strategy and HRM; approach in managing employees)
• rely on illustrative examples and quotes from the full interview with Valerie
Hughes-D’Aeth (