Directions for Case Study:
My Ethics and Professional students:

As you no doubt have all been diligently reading the booklet ” Hamilton Cop Arrested in Toronto Gang Raids” I now wish to provide you with directions on how to do your case study and what I am looking for:

Maximum four (4) pages in length, double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial. Standard 1 inch margins.

Not more than 3 spaces between the titled sections: Synopsis, Stakeholders, Ethical Dilemma and Opinion.

Please consider using SPELL CHECK


Synopsis: Brief outline of the story that gives the reader the gist of the story.

Stakeholders: Provide a brief description of each, including their involvement in the case. List a maximum of six (6) stakeholders.

Ethical Dilemma: This should be the longest part of your paper, (the meat and potatoes…sorry vegetarians and vegans for the reference) Explain the ethical dilemma faced by each of the main stakeholders you listed. Link what you have learned in class and in the text book. Why was the dilemma experienced? What were the contributing factors?

Opinion: This is your time to shine, this is YOUR OPINION. Take a stand, who was right? Who was wrong? What should have been done? Your opinion of Det. Constable Craig Ruthowsky. Back your opinion.