Thirteen states in America have no minimum age for the adult prosecution of children? How can this be remedied?

Before children are adults they don’t know what they are doing. Children shouldn’t be prosecuted as an adult because children aren’t mature enough to act as an adult. The frequency of young kids committing horrendous crimes has been on a steady rise for the past couple of decades. This has brought up a very controversial topic that people seem to be very passionate about, you justify trying them in a court designed for adult offenders? In order to better understand the passion behind this debate it is best to gain some insight from both sides of the fight. trying juvenile’s as adults. There are many differences between the justice system for juveniles and the justice system for adults, although many would believe that it is the same at it’s core, it is surely not. In juvenile courts there are no juries and no trials by jury either. In adult courts the sentencing is much harsher and the chance of getting off the hook with some counseling is very slim. If a juvenile is defined as a person under the age of 18, how can