Essay Assignment #1 (option #1) Description

Your first essay assignment option is to use the topic of tradition and relate it to “The Lottery.”  As you consider this topic, know there are many different approaches you might want to take in developing your thesis.  Here are some things to think about as you decide:

  1. What could be said about our own society and tradition as it relates to the story?
  2. Does everybody in the story feel the same about tradition?
  3. How does tradition shape human behavior?
  4. What is the value of traditions?
  5. How can traditions be harmful?
  6. How does tradition change over time?
  7. What are the beliefs that support the traditions?
  8. What happens to those who defy tradition?
  9. What can we learn from examining the role of traditions in the story?

You might also find helpful the discussion posts and comments from your classmates in developing a thesis for your essay.

Once you have formulated your thesis statement, you will need to come up with three main points that support your thesis.  You will support these points with textual evidence from “The Lottery.”  The textual evidence is the WHY in what you think.  For example, I can infer the Watson father was last year’s “winner” because on page 265, Jack Watson is now drawing as the head of household.

For each of your three supporting points, you will need two pieces of textual evidence.   

Helpful Resources

Under Unit 1 COURSE CONTENT, I have placed three documents to aid you in writing your essays.  Please read before you begin to write the essay.

  1. A Guide to Writing the Literary Analysis Essay provides guidance for an outline and actually includes a sample essay.
  2. Four Methods for Including Source Material in Your Essay gives examples of ways to include and correctly punctuate quoted material from the story.
  3. Tips for Blending Quotes with Your Own Words shows different ways to work your source material seamlessly into the essay.

You will also find linked to this unit two of my power points which give specific guidelines for writing papers in ENG 102.  You will need to follow the instructions given in these to maximize your essay scores.

  1. Formal Writing Tips outlines some basic “rules” for formal writing and gives tips for elevating your writing.
  2. Tips for Writing about Literature gives information specific to using literature as your primary source material.

Watch the following videos linked in through Unit 1 COURSE CONTENT:

  • MLA In-Text Citations (Step-by-Step Guide). This video provides detailed examples of how to cite sources in an essay text.
  • Using Citations Effectively by Shmoop. This video discusses how to use citations to back up an argument and support the thesis.
  • Microsoft Word: How to Set Up MLA Format 2015.  If you’re struggling with getting your paper properly formatted, this is an excellent tutorial.

Finally, here is the essay assignment: 

Using “The Lottery” as your source material, write an essay in the five-paragraph format which treats the topic of tradition.

The essay must:

  • Be modeled after the example given in A Guide to Writing the Literary Analysis Essay
  • Use MLA format
  • Correctly cite your source material in the body of the essay
  • Include a Works Cited page