Using market, competitor and consumer secondary/primary research relating to the
organisation you have chosen, identify, outline and critically evaluate an opportunity or issue
which may warrant a technology-based innovation.
Technology-based innovation
1. Technology-based innovation = innovation leveraging technology (technologies)
2. Can be any industry sector = though innovation you’re proposing needs to be
technology-based Opportunity or issue
1. Think how technology can be applied to existing ‘suboptimal’ situation
2. Look for areas which are not working;
3. Can technology be applied and act as a solution to improve customer experience or to
add more value to customers.
Getting ideas
1. Use technology reports for disruptive technologies – E&Y, Gartner Hype cycles, other
2. Look into AI and data analytics and how they can be applied to add value direct/indirectly
for consumers
Critically assess the type of innovation they should choose and the process of innovation
they should go through.
Type of innovation: incremental, radical, breakthrough, disruptive, open, closed, jugaad,
reverse, business model (profit, revenue, value chain, value role), customer experience,
service, systems, product, co-creation
.critically assess
Process Rothwell’s – 5 or 6 generations Open innovation – inbound, outbound other Lean
innovation process – MVP Co-creation process Data-driven innovation process NPD and /or
improvides You could be talking about more than one, describe, outline Limitations
Describe the innovation solution in-depth.
What is the solution?\
➢What was the issue and therefore what solution are you proposing to address the issue
[issue – technology shortfall, business model type, lack of integration of supplier or others in
net, lack of integration of customer in process design etc.]
➢Based on issue –now describe solution
➢Describing ➢Describe what it is, how it addresses shortfall How you could illustrate
1. Use business model canvass – if a business model 2. Use flow, diagram – if a process 3.
Use diagram if there are multiple aspects to solution
Critically assess how they should protect the new innovation.
Lecture 10 What form of innovation protection are you critically assessing?
1. Critically e.g. patents 1. Can they use a patent – has this technology been patented
2. Is it possible ‘anyway’ to patent this innovation?
3. Copyright, trademarks have limits in what, how they protect innovation – note! 2. If it can’t
be patented
1. Can parts or other aspects be patented?
2. If it can’t be patented…what other alternatives are there?
3. How to protect – which form 1. How to protect – look at type of innovations, some
innovations may need trademark, some innovations cannot be patented How to apply the
form of protection e.g. patent? 1. Patent each micro step or small part 2. Patent an overall
process 3. Combining patents –license out/in 4. MVP patent 5. Provisional patent license 6.
Patenting throughout stages of the innovation process (or not) 7. Leveraging a patent pool
• A process patent is a form of utility patent that covers methods of changing the functionality
characteristics of a material during a particular use. The patent-holder is granted exclusive
and rights to that process for 20 years
• Patent pools can be defined as an agreement between two or more patent owners to
license one or
more of their patents to one another or to third parties. Often,patent pools are associated
complex technologies that require complementary patents in order to provide efficient
• Patent licensing: Patent licensing is part of how to patent an idea and is a revocable
between a patent owner and a licensee to transfer interest in a patent to a licensee, who can
from and enforce the intellectual property rights
• MVP patent An MVP-based patent strategy may begin with filing a provisional patent
application that
describes novel MVP features. Filed subsequently (within one year), a non-provisional
application may claim market-tested, novel MVP features. Absolute patent protection
• Provisional patent application: To protect your MVP, many legal systems throughout the
world provide
a tool called “Provisional Patent Application”, which is provisionally filed with minimum details
to meet
the requirements of Patent laws. Commonly, the legal cost and professional fees involved
are quite low
at this stage. It is important to note that a provisional application is nothing other than saving
the date
for your MVP