• Learning outcomes
There are eight critical, practical and reflexive learning outcomes for this module:
• Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the theories and debates relating to team based working, team effectiveness and the development of effective team climates
• Analyse and critique the evidence linking effective team working and the quality of patient care
• Apply theories and methods that develop an effective team climate
• Apply theories and methods of reflective practice
• Demonstrate practical skills in team leadership practice
• Demonstrate practical skills to embed diversity and inclusion in your team leadership practices
• Demonstrate reflexivity in your leadership practice
• Create a team climate which is inclusive and promotes positive attitudes and behaviours
Programme Golden Threads
Running through all learning activities are two golden threads that reflect the fundamental values of the programme and are central to participant’s leadership practice:
• Demonstrate how I and my team remain constantly in tune with how the quality of care provided to patients, matches what we would want for the people we love most.
• Demonstrate the way in which I and my team understand equality and diversity, and implement this proactively in our leadership of healthcare

Critical Assignment
There is one 2000 word critical assignment required for this module. Critical assignments have a word limit and penalties apply if this is exceeded.
Critical assignments should mainly be written in the third person, with the use of first person for more reflective sections of this assignment. When addressing this assignment, you need to ensure that you demonstrate the following Module Learning Outcomes:
• Systematic understanding of the theories and debates relating to team based working, team effectiveness and the development of effective team climates
• Analyse and critique the evidence relating to effective team working and quality of patient care
• Apply theories and methods that develop an effective team climate
• Apply theories and methods of reflective practice
Further guidance is detailed below
Write a critical assignment addressing the following question:
What is the relationship between leading effective teams and the delivery of quality patient care?
In writing this assignment, you should consider the learning that you have undertaken throughout this module and include examples from your work where appropriate. This should include references to team based working and may include team identity, team objectives, role clarity, team decision making, effective communication, inter-team working and other areas you deem relevant.
Writing Critically
• When offering ideas and concepts, you must support these by drawing on relevant evidence – that is theories, concepts and models – from the literature. Core texts and further readings have been provided in this module, but you will need to look beyond these, and can do so via electronic library facilities.
• Your writing must show evidence of critical analysis and should have some application to the workplace where appropriate to demonstrate synthesis of knowledge and its application to practice.
• Learning and reflection should be aligned to the learning outcomes you need to demonstrate in this assignment and should include examples from your work where appropriate.
• Critically reflect on your leadership thinking and practice and how these impact on your team and the golden threads (patient experience, care quality and equality and diversity).
• If you work in an area that is not involved in direct care, for example finance or human resources, then you should make the connection between the end product of your team’s work and the golden threads.
• The critical assignment will need to be uploaded onto Turnitin. Please be aware that there is a timed deadline after which you will not be able to upload your document.