Your work should have a title that reflects the content of your dissertation accurately

What risk factors are associated with polypharmacy and inpatient falls over the age of 65 years old?

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  • This is a clear summary of the dissertation including the background, rationale, process, outcomes, and implications for practice.
  • The abstract is best written after you have finished the project. It should consist of approximately 250 words.
  • It is not included in the word allowance. It will not form part of the mark awarded.

Chapter 1 – 600 words

Define an issue or problem in practice to explore and provide a background rationale 10%                             

  • Give a clear rationale for the dissertation topic
  • Include links to nursing practice and the use of key documents/literature (e.g. government documents, professional standards) to support the rationale

Chapter 2 – 1200 words

Format a searchable evidence based practice question, show evidence of their structured search of literature, show judgement in the choice of literature to review using critical appraisal skills – 20%

  • Identify a question that you can answer from the literature – Use PICO
  • Format the question into searchable terms – Add search terms as a table – save your words
  • Format a search strategy.
  • Identify all sources of literature searched e.g. electronic databases, specialist trial registers, hand searching, checking reference lists.
  • Provide a clear description of the criteria being utilised for inclusion and exclusion of papers – easier to make an inclusion and exclusion table – save your words.
  • Identify an appropriate checklist used to assess the quality of each paper to be included in the dissertation (you can add 1 example of using the CASP tool in the appendix for your research papers/studies used).

Demonstrate your ability to critically appraise the methodology of the research evidence present.

Chapter 3  – 2400 words

– literature synthesis to establish the key findings from your literature review.

Present evidence and Highlight the findings – 40%

  • Your literature review should have a logical, coherent flow in which the key themes from your chosen papers are clearly articulated.
  • There should be evidence of the ability to critically evaluate the literature and make use of this evaluation to develop sound logical arguments using the literature presented.

Chapter 4 – 1800 words

recommendations for nursing practice and/or future research.

Conclusion of your work

Discuss future implications for evidence based nursing practice – 30%

  • Utilizing the key themes identified in Chapter 3 as a framework discuss recommendations or implications for nursing practice, education and future research.
  • Provide an effective summary of your work.