Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business

Assignment Brief (Ref:)

Student Name /ID  Number  
Unit Number and Title 34 Business Systems (M/508/0589)
Academic Year 2019/20
Unit Tutor  
Assignment Title Assignment 2 – Systems Improvement (Assignment 2 of 2)
Issue Date  
Submission Date  
Final Submission Deadline  
IV Name & Date  
Submission Format:
You are required to write a report covering tasks 1 and 2; referenced using Harvard format and presented in a format suitable to be presented to the two directors of the company detailing the current business system in use and how it impacts on the current organizational structure and external business factors.


The current organizational structure and systems are described below in the scenario, any details that are not fully stated in the scenario that you consider necessary to be able to write the report should be made and stated.


Submission of the report is through Turnitin with a hard copy submitted to reception by the stated submission date.


Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO3 Apply a range of analytical tools and techniques to business systems

LO4 Recommend improvements in organisational processes and systems

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

“Mo’s Meals” is a small company, providing prep meals, the company has been in operation for the last 4 years. They have enjoyed a significant rise in orders and profit in the last two years but are now getting towards the limit of capacity for their current organizational structure and systems. They work very closely with numerous catering companies as well as supermarkets and are starting to have to turn away some orders due to their inability to supply the goods within the timescale required by clients.

Their current organization and systems have been in place since they started when the company was founded and had a total of 8 employees, they have since expanded and now employ 20 people and are looking to expand further. The Managing Director runs the production and packaging side, which employs 12 cooks and assistants. The Finance Director manages the admin side, which also includes delivery and logistics and employs 8 people who tend to perform all the required functions dependant on demand.

In the current system, the orders come into the admin section by phone and email, they are then transferred onto the company order forms which are in triplicate. The top form goes to the production section, the middle form goes to accounts and the bottom form stays in admin. Production will collect the forms as and when they have time, which can be as infrequent as once a week. They then see how the order fits in with their production schedule and mark up a wall planner with the required deadlines. The required raw materials are identified for the orders received and the delivery schedule is created. Once these procedures have been completed the order is acknowledged and a confirmation is sent by admin with a proposed delivery date to the customer by post. Accounts are then sent a costing by production for labour and materials and machine usage and the total cost of the order is again confirmed to the customer.

Once the orders start processing the production department notify admin and they contact the distribution company by phone and arrange collection and delivery of the goods to the customer. On receipt of the signed delivery note the accounts department then sends the invoice for the goods to the customer.

Task 1

Apply a range of analytical tools and techniques to the current business systems that “Mo’s Meals” currently operate. Analyze whether they are effective and efficient and suitable to sustain the company over the next 5 years.

Task 2

Following on from the analysis the existing systems currently used by “Mo’s Meals” make some recommendations as to how they can make improvements in their organizational processes and systems based upon the findings of your analysis.


Grading Criteria
Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Apply a range of analytical tools and techniques to business systems



P5 Apply a range of techniques to test and improve business systems efficiency within an organization.

(425 words)

For P5 you have to apply range of techniques. Chose 2 techniques from the list below:

·         Process mapping

·         Value chain analysis

·         Stakeholder Analysis

·         System analysis

·         Reverse engineering









LO4 Recommend improvements in organizational processes and systems P6 Make justified recommendations for improving existing business systems to enhance organizational efficiency and quality in an organizational context. (400 words) M4


Don’t do introduction and conclusion. Doesn’t matter how many page you use and if you go over the word count its ok. Reference page is not including with word count.