APPENDIX A DNPU-702 Innovation Project Video Proposal – Signature Assignment CLO 1 – 4
This assignment is submitted in the form of a video proposal and must be a minimum of 10 minutes in length. The assignment will be submitted by posting a link to a web site hosting your video. Links to how-to tutorials on digital storytelling and posting videos are provided on Blackboard. Innovation projects for this course must focus on leveraging emerging mobile information technologies to enhance evidence based practice. The video proposal must answer the following five questions:

1. What problem will the innovation project solve? Describe what the problem is, where the problem occurs, who is affected by the problem, and what would be different if the problem were solved.

2. What is known about this problem? Discuss the significance of the problem, including statistics about the health, social, ethical, and financial costs of the problem. Describe the background of the problem. Discuss what has been written in the professional literature about the problem. Describe other solutions that have been tried in the past. Describe why they were ineffective.

3. With whom did you collaborate when working on your proposal? Innovation requires collaborating with a diverse group of people who have many different perspectives on the problem. Describe with whom you talked about the project. Describe why you chose them. Describe what help they offered. Describe how you used or why you did not use their help.

4. What “mobile app” did you propose to use to solve the problem? Describe the application you chose and how it addresses the problem. Your description should demonstrate that you have become knowledgeable of the technology related the problem as well as solutions.

5. Why is your proposed solution innovative? Describe the innovative features of your project. Demonstrate your knowledge of the principles of innovation discussed in your textbooks, course readings, and the literature that you collected.
The digital story should include images, text, and narration that flow in an integrated fashion. In the text of presentation, students should use the professional documentation standards describe in the style manual of the American Psychological Association and include a list of references at the end of the presentation.
The assignment will be completed using a LiveText template. It will be graded using the following rubric:
Innovation Project Video Proposal Rubric (Signature Assignment)
Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Emerging (1) Points Awarded and Comments Problem the Innovation Will Solve
8 points (32/300)
Exceptionally thorough description of the problem, who is affected, and what a solution could mean
Generally clear description of the problem, who is affected, and what a solution could mean
Unclear description of the problem, who is affected, and what a solution could mean
No description of the problem, who is affected, and what a solution could mean

Background of the Problem

15 points (60/300)
Provides an indepth, detailed description of the background of the problem including literature, statistics, and solutions tried in the past
Provides clear description of the background of the problem including literature, statistics, and solutions tried in the past
Provides an unclear description of the background of the problem including literature, statistics, and solutions tried in the past
Provides no description of the background of the problem including literature, statistics, and solutions tried in the past

Innovative Collaboration
8 points (32/300)
Demonstrates insightful collaboration of a diverse group, explaining why chosen, the input given, and decision on the use of their insight.
Good attempt at insightful collaboration of a diverse group, explaining why chosen, the input given, and decision on the use of their insight.
Poor attempt at insightful collaboration of a diverse group, explaining why chosen, the input given, and decision on the use of their insight.
No insightful collaboration of a diverse group, explaining why chosen, the input given, and decision on the use of their insight.
Utilization of Appropriate Technology

15 points (60/300)
Detailed, thorough explanation of the technology chosen and how it can be used to solve the issue
Somewhat detailed explanation of the technology chosen and how it can be used to solve the issue
Poor explanation of the technology chosen and how it can be used to solve the issue
No explanation of the technology chosen and how it can be used to solve the issue

Innovative Solutions 15 points (60/300)
Demonstrates superior knowledge of the innovative features of the project with strong understanding of the principals of innovation.
Demonstrates knowledge of the innovative features of the project with good understanding of the principals of innovation.
Demonstrates some understanding of the innovative features of the project with poor understanding of the principals of innovation.
No apparent knowledge of the innovative features of the project with little to no understanding of the principals of innovation.


6 points (24/300)
Sources of information were clearly and completely listed.
Sources of information were clear with some inconsistencies
Sources of information were unclear and/or incomplete
Sources of information were clearly missing
Quality of Digital Story
8 points (32/300)
Clear and meaningful message was communicated with strong visual and verbal expressions.
General message was communicated with acceptable visual and verbal expressions.
Lapse in the general message with acceptable visual and verbal expressions.
Unclear message was communicated with weak or defective visual and verbal expressions.