Question given to my peers below.

Describe your preferred conflict-management style (collaborative, competitive, accommodating, avoidance, or compromising) and discuss how it complements your personal leadership theory. What types of situations would prompt you to use an alternative conflict management style and why?

For Top essay writer – Critique my peers posts below, When responding to your peers, offer feedback on their selected approach and how it may impact stakeholders. All sources must be APA cited. Also, please separate my peers post below using their names as the heading


Jason Post below

According to this week’s reading assignment, conflict can actually be an essential tool in progressing forward and thinking outside the box (provided it is navigated in a constructive manner). Managers must be able to adapt their conflict management behaviors to a given situation. In some cases, it may be best to confront conflict, and in other cases, it may be better to avoid conflict or accommodate (Saeed et al, 2014).

My preferred conflict management style is collaborative/integrative given it seeks to find a mutually beneficial outcome. I always prefer win-win scenarios however I understand these are not always possible. From a preference and personality perspective, to me there is nothing worse than a zero-sum scenario where one person “wins” or gets their way and the other loses and concedes everything. There are likely tradeoff decisions and concessions that both parties may need to make however as long as those are articulated, presented on the table and agreed upon, a collaborative approach is often a good goal for me to focus on. There are also nuances of the compromising style included here as well. Studies have shown that supervisors who use an integrating style achieved more behavioral compliance, less likely to experience persistent conflict at work and have less disputes (Saeed et al, 2014). I also tend to be conflict-averse which is another reason why I tend to gravitate toward this style.

There are instances where I may utilize a different approach is when expedient decisions come into play. For example, I try and guide my team members to make decisions on their own without checking in with me. In these cases, I may use more of an accommodating style to enable the team to make sound decisions and work through challenges collectively. If I need to get involved to mediate, I will do so but likely as a last resort.

Each of my preferred styles resonate closely with my preferred leadership style especially as it relates to both servant leadership and transformational leadership. I see it more as an opportunity to empower others through autonomy, support and coaching rather than utilizing a more autocratic style of leading. Given I work in a learning & development role, I typically utilize a collaborative style when navigating through challenges given I work closely with other centers of excellence (COEs) within HR and I find these approaches to be quite useful.


Amy Post below

I am a servant leader and find I prefer to collaborate or compromise when there is conflict. I do not feel there is one style that will fit every conflict situation. I know, without question, I will avoid conflict as much as I can, but not ignore it.  I will do my best to address situations as they arise and hopefully catch any problems before they have time to fester. In discussing conflict management, Swetha Amaresan (2019) suggests that: “Conflict management is the process for handling disputes and disagreements between two or multiple parties. The goal of this system is to minimize the negative factors that are influencing the conflict and encourage all participants to come to an agreement. Successful conflict management results in a mutually beneficial outcome that’s agreed upon by each party.” I find this concept summarizes how I wish my conflict management style to develop.

There are several details which can help in choosing a conflict management style. Among these are considering how much one values the other person or issue; understanding the consequences; and deciding if I have the time and energy to give to the conflict. (Amaresan, 2019) Being a servant leader might mean I need to address every conflict to meet the needs of those I have been designated to lead. My first concern would normally be the well-being of others. However, not every conflict is worth my time and energy, especially if the person or issue concerned is not a contributor to the success of the company.

One example of needing to use an alternative form of conflict management might be colleagues’ disagreeing with me on a proposed change within the company. I will discuss why I came to my decision and hear the other persons out. After further consideration on my part, I may decide to accommodate their concerns. In the event that I have a colleague or employee who, I know, is getting ready to retire, it might be wise to just avoid any conflict with that person to make his or her remaining time with the company a more pleasant experience.