“Amongst the People”

Does Siddhartha’s detachment prevent him from really experiencing the sensual world?

A Journey and Not a Game

“Siddhartha regarded it all as a game, the rules of which he
endeavored to learn well but did not stir his heart” (Hesse 58).
(A direct quote from the text). This passage from the “Amongst
the People,” illustrates Siddhartha’s… (State the claim). There
are several reasons that support this assertion. First, Siddhartha
is… (Reason). When an individual… (Explanation). What
Siddhartha is experiencing is illustrated in Buddhist philosophy,
“(A direct quote from a credible secondary source)” (O’Brien).
This explains… (An explanation of how the secondary source
supports the assertion).  Also, he is… (Reason). A person must
realize… (Explanation). Furthermore, Siddhartha is… (Reason).
He needs to understand… (Explanation). Therefore, he…
(Restate the claim).

Work Cited

Hesse, Hermann. Siddhartha. Trans. Hilda Rosner. New York: New Direction Publishing Corporation.

  1. Print.

O’Brien, Barbara. “The Four Noble Truths”. About Religion. n.d. About, 2015. Web. 19 March 2015.

