Imagine yourself as a hospital administrator ready to undertake a new quality improvement program for your hospital. In previous assignments you detailed aspects of your quality improvement plan for the facility and created your quality improvement approach for the facility. In this assignment you will demonstrate an understanding of the five domains of the performance measurement network in apply these components to improving healthcare quality services at your hospital.


Create a PowerPoint presentation at least 15-20 slides in length that discusses your how your plan covers each of the five domains of quality (Access, Structure, Process, Outcome, and Patient Experience). Quality improvement in each domain should be explained and applied to the healthcare facility. Include detailed speaker’s notes that describe your program. Be sure to include references and citations from at least five sources. Your PowerPoint presentation needs to be visually appealing as your goal is to thoroughly explain how each domain will be improved to your employees. You can illustrate this process by using one disease or condition of your choice presented to your facility by a hypothetical patient and how your new system would approach care of the patient in each of the five domains. Finally, explain how this new quality improvement program will help improve the healthcare employee experience.

This project will be presented in PowerPoint style, as you will be submitting your proposal to this group of hospital employees.


Create a PowerPoint presentation at least 15-20 slides in length that discusses your how the plan covers each of the five domains (Access, Structure, Process, Outcome, and Patient Experience).
Thoroughly explain how performance will be enhanced in each domain in the healthcare facility.
Illustrate this process by using one disease or condition of your choice presented to your facility by a hypothetical patient and how your new system would approach care of the patient in each of the five domains.
Explain how this new quality improvement program will help improve the healthcare employee experience.
Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Course Resources to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written Assignments.