Assessment Task You are required to take two datasets from and create a dashboard that will be useful to Dublin Business School.
Part 1: Power BI and/or MS Excel

1. Create a well-designed dashboard, adhering to principles of good dashboard design. Your  dashboard should include a minimum of:
a. 3 Charts b. At least 2 cards and c. A map based upon what will add the most value to a business. There is a map option in  MS Excel which you can try.

d. Marks will be awarded for complexity, e.g. heat maps or multiple datasets.
(50 marks)
Notes: Due to the unforeseen circumstances students now have the option to create the dashboard using either Power BI or MS Excel, or a combination of both.  For Power BI – use the online version – instructions are now on Moodle.  For MS Excel – students may use Pivot charts.
B8IS100 (Maria Barry)

 For the map…either create a map in PowerBI or there is a feature in Excel called ‘3D Map’. Follow the instructions on Excel/Microsoft.
 If using a combination of both, ensure you copy the Power BI visuals into Excel and submit the Excel file along with the written report.
Part 2: Written Report 3. Prepare a written report in Word format containing the following details: a. Outline any data cleansing you carried out – ensure you name the tools used (e.g. Excel, SQL or PowerBI) and state the reason for each change you made to the data.
(10 marks)

b. Report your findings/insights of the dataset given in Part1. Identify 3 separate findings from any of the datasets provided. Explain why each is interesting/significant and suggest possible causes/reasons/uses of this data. (30 marks)

c. Provide a step-by-step detailed account of how you accomplished one of your PowerBI or Excel visuals (choose the one you found most challenging). (10 marks)

d. In the appendices, include a copy/screenshot of your PowerBI report dashboard.

Marking scheme Marks
1. Dashboard 50
2. Written Report
a. Details of data cleansing work carried out. 10
b. Quality of data insights. 30 B8IS100 (Maria Barry)

c. Step by step details of how you achieved the most complex  visual.

✓ When finished submit a copy of your files into the relevant folder on Moodle. You must also keep the original copy of your assignment on your own device.