Reading Reflection

You are assigned to read and summarize 3 selected research articles that has relations to the concepts we are learning. You must turn in this summary/answers to questions to the turn-it-in assignments posted on the Blackboard by the due time on due date.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to become comfortable/familiar with research articles related to cognitive development.

Skills/Knowledge: The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills and knowledge that are essential to your success in this field beyond school:

  • Understand components of research article.
  • Identify important research terms from the article.
  • Summarize a research article without plagiarizing.
  • Relate research article to concepts for cognitive development.
  • Apply concepts to bigger debates (discussed in the class).

Task: Read through the article assigned and answer the following questions.

Students Name:

  1. Reference of this article in APA format:
  2. Give 5 most important concepts (key words) in the article:
  3. Dependent and independent variables of Experiment 1:
  4. Summarize this article using APA format citation (MUST include the research question/purpose of the research, short summary of methods, results, and conclusion of this study – 1-2 sentences each = max of 8 sentences).
  5. How is this article related to the course contents discussed so far (e.g. debates in the field, theories, research methods, etc.)?
  6. One question about this paper (could be a research question, could be methodological).

Criteria for success:

After completing this assignment, you will have increased your understanding of the article that is related to each domain of child development. This assignment is out of 24 points.

24 points will be allocated to

  • Question 1 =4 points
  • Question 2 = 2 point
  • Question 3 = 4 points (2 for dependent, 2 for independent variable)
  • Question 4 = 10 points (2 points for each part – research question/purpose, summary of methods, results, and conclusion – 2 point2 for correct APA citation)
  • Question 5 = 2 point
  • Question 6 = 2 point

Incidents of plagiarism in Question 4 (Summary of article) will result in an irreversible grade of zero for the reflection.