Gender At Work
2,500 (+/-10%) Word Essay
Select ONE essay question ONLY 1. Gender, Intersectionality and Organisational practices: With examples from the literature, discuss how an intersectional approach can contribute to our understanding of the workplace experiences of ethnic minority women?
Key readings: • Healy, G., H. Bradley, et al. (2011). “Intersectional Sensibilities in Analysing Inequality Regimes in Public Sector Organizations.” Gender, Work & Organization 18(5): 467-487.
• Booysen, L. A. E. and S. M. Nkomo (2010). “Gender role stereotypes and requisite management characteristics: The case of South Africa.” Gender in Management: An International Journal 25(4): 285 – 300.
2. Men and masculinities: Drawing on key readings, critically examine the value of the concept of the glass escalator for understanding men’s experience in predominantly female occupations. Key readings: • Simpson, R. (2004), “Masculinity at Work: The Experiences of Men in Female Dominated Occupations”, Work, Employment & Society 18(2): 349-368. • Williams, C. L. (2013), “The Glass Escalator, Revisited: Gender Inequality in Neoliberal Times”, Gender & Society 27(5): 609-629.
3. Sexuality at work: Drawing on key readings, critically examine how gender intersects with sexuality in women’s experience of male-dominated work and men’s experience of female dominated work. Key readings: • Lupton, B. (2006). Explaining Men’s Entry into Female-Concentrated Occupations: Issues of Masculinity and Social Class. Gender, Work & Organization 13(2): 103-128.
• Wright, T. (2016) Gender and Sexuality in Male-Dominated Occupations: Women Working in Construction and Transport, Chapter 5. Workplace interactions in male dominated organisations. (Available as Ebook).

4. Women, the State and the Economy: Does Brexit have implications for women? Critically examine this question drawing on scholarly views regarding the pursuit of a politics of austerity in Britain. • Key readings: MacLeavy, J. (2018). Women, equality and the UK’s EU referendum: locating the gender political of Brexit in relation to the neoliberalising state. Space and Polity. Issue 2: Brexit Geographies: 205-223. • Perrons, D. (2015). Gendering the inequality debate. Gender & Development. 32(2): 207222.