Assignment Course Work HRM

An Explanation of how the end of module assignment meets module Learning Outcomes:

  Assessment Questions Learning outcomes
What are the economic drivers influencing the HR strategies in the host country?  For example you can apply PESTLE analysis to analyze the host country’s economic profile as well as other factors such as (Globalization, Consumer Behaviour, Advanced technology etc.) These areas can be discussed under this learning outcome. L01: Critically examine the economic drivers in the international business environment that influence HRM strategies


L01. Evaluate the main HRM theories and models in relation to economic drivers
Critically examine how HRM strategies are effective in achieving goals of employee commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration. Under this learning outcome, we expect you to critically analyze the models and theories in designing policies and practices (such as Soft and Hard HRM) to achieve four main outcomes: strategic integration (planning / implementation); high employee commitment to the organization; high workforce flexibility and adaptability; and a high-quality workforce. L02. Evaluate the effectiveness of HRM strategies in achieving the goals of employee commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration
Critically analyze the different approaches of HRM globally in your chosen parent and host countries. Provide a global comparative analysis of HR systems with a focus on:

1.      Organisational Performance

2.     Employee Commitment –

3.     Workforce Flexibility

4.     Workforce Quality


L03 Critically Analyse the differences in approach to HRM Globally and outline possible reasons for such differences
 L04: Critically evaluate the theory and evidence about the relationship between HRM and organizational performance
 Critically Analyse the cultural differences influencing the implementation and development of HRM strategies. We expect you to use models such as Hofstede, Trompenaars, Lewis. Hall etc. here to highlight the differences in national culture between the parent and host countries and how they influence HRM strategies. You could also apply Hardy’s Organisational culture model  to identify what working practices and mind-set barriers might the parent company face in terms of recruiting and training local staff on new technologies, etc. to establish an appropriate standard of work to match the parent company’s expectations. L05: Analyse the organizational, national and cultural specific issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy
 Here we are looking to evaluate your management skill in regards to international business strategies as well a critical analysis, research skills and ability to present a coherent set of recommendations based on well researched HRM global theories and models. Such as Rodger /Fraser , Ask And  Total Rewards models.  L06::  Demonstrate the management skills required in international business to successfully engage and win support from key stakeholders