PART A – 4000 word individual report in two parts (80%)
You are a strategic marketing consultant who has been asked by a client to write a 4,000 word article demonstrating how the modern approaches you use have been developed from a theoretical perspective. The client is considering engaging your agency but needs to ensure your techniques are robust and logical.
First Part
In the first part of your article, consider the concept of authenticity and complete the following two tasks:
1. Critically evaluate the importance of authenticity in modern marketing strategies and how social media can be exploited to increase credibility. (Approximately 1500 words.)
2. What techniques can be used for identifying the characteristics of authentic brands? (Approximately 500 words.)
Second Part
In the second part of your article, explain what consumer value is and address the following two tasks: 1. Taking the marketing mix into account, critically propose ways in which consumer value can be increased, with particular focus on the proposition (product), the channel strategy (place) and use of pricing strategies. (Approximately 1500 words.)
2. Discuss the challenges of measurement and suggest suitable metrics for measuring the success of marketing activities. (Approximately 500 words.)
You must critically research and apply in your article relevant academic theory and sources, course concepts and frameworks and industry material, fully referenced using the Harvard system.
[100 marks]
PART B – 15-minute group presentation, including advert/infomercial (20%)
Clarks have engaged your team (a cutting-edge strategic consultancy) to help them modernize and reinvigorate the Desert Boot.
Since 1950, the Clarks Originals Desert Boot has been a highly regarded and respected shoe. One of the classic styles from within the overall Clarks portfolio, the Desert Boot has enjoyed associations with multiple cultural groups and movements since launch. However, in recent years, growth of trainers and sports shoes have dominated shoe culture. Brands such as Nike and Adidas have built a huge consumer following especially with young males via associations with sport and music. 2020 sees 70 years of the Desert Boot and a time in which authentic, trusted and responsible brands are more important and relevant to consumers than ever before.
How can the Clarks brand tap into current cultural trends and make the much-loved historic Desert Boot ‘cool’ again?
2019/2020 Academic Year
© Pearson College London 2020 3
Working in groups, you are required to:
(i) Prepare a short 15-minute presentation and poster which gives a clear rational and set of recommendations of how the Clarks Originals Desert Boot can become more culturally relevant for young men (18-24) in the UK today.
(ii) Your presentation must include the key elements listed below and also bring your recommendations to life with a visually engaging A1 poster which could be used as the basis of an ad campaign.
Your presentation should address, but is not limited to, the following areas:
 Key objectives  Analysis of the Desert Boot today o Target audience o What is important to the target audience o Aspirational brands o Where the target audience shops o Who the target audience admires  Key competitors  Recommendations for activation  Poster
You must critically research and apply in your presentation relevant academic theory and sources, course concepts and frameworks and industry material, fully referenced using the Harvard system.
[100 marks]
Rules for the Presentation
● You must have a PowerPoint presentation slide to start your presentation with the following information on it: o Title o Module o Group number o Names and student numbers of group members presenting on the day

● You must take part fully and engage in all group work assessments.

● Members of the group will be assessed on the group’s presentation on the day only and will receive the same grade.

● A member of the group who does not take part in the presentation will not receive any marks for the presentation.*

● If a member of the group is absent on the day, the presentation will still go ahead.

● Presentations will stop once the maximum time limit is reached, subject to completion of the sentence being spoken.

● Five minute and one minute warnings will be given as the group comes to the end of the presentation. ● Please remember group work will present you with a number of challenges you wouldn’t face if working individually. We are aware of these and take these into account in marking your work. We will mark you positively on the day if you as a group present professionally and constructively, even if something goes wrong on the day or has gone wrong or not as well as you would have hoped along the way.
* Non-attendance may be justified if it is for reasons of extenuating circumstance, which Student Services have been notified of with supporting evidence.

2019/2020 Academic Year
© Pearson College London 2020 4
Learning Outcomes
The Intended Subject Specific Learning Outcomes:
1) Demonstrate a systematic knowledge and understanding, some of which is informed by the forefront of the discipline, of the strategic role of marketing and branding including their primary functions in the context of the organization and wider environment.

2) Identify and critically evaluate the trends in the environment and apply innovative market research techniques, both qualitative and quantitative, to understand customers behaviour.

3) Critically evaluate the various types of propositions and brands as well as how they are communicated using a variety of channels to increase relevancy and drive value.

4) Evaluate the role and alternative strategic approaches to distribution (including multi & omni- channel strategies).

5) Critically evaluate various pricing strategies and how they impact and influence on consumer decision-making.

6) Identify and describe each of the elements that make up the marketing mix and critically evaluate their strategic influence on delivering a branded overall customer experience.

7) Describe and critically evaluate the various marketing effectiveness metrics and tools as well as determine the key challenges faced in measuring marketing activities.

The Intended Generic Learning Outcomes.
1) Demonstrate decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts.

2) Communicate appropriately to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

3) Critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make judgements, and identify and solve problems, some of which is informed by the forefront of the discipline.
Assessment method
LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 G1 G2 G3
Group Presentation