Mid-Course Reflection

Submission:  Embed your reflection into the Course Reflections>Mid-Course Reflection area in your portfolio, and then come back to Canvas to submit the link to your reflection.  Your instructor will visit the link you provide to review your reflection.

As you begin your mid-course reflection, reflect on all the thinking and writing you have done throughout the process of composing your first multimodal project.  Review your invention work, and the feedback you received. Then, review your Pre-Course Reflection as well as the WPA Outcomes and the Habits of Mind. This reflection should have four sections.

  1. WPA Outcomes Section.Consider how your understanding of the WPA Outcomes has changed after completing your first multimodal project.
  • For each of the four WPA Outcomes sections, identify at least one specific bullet point that helped you successfully complete your first multimodal project (four bullet points total). Explain in detail how each of these contributed to your success on Project 1.  Provide specific examples from your Project 1 work that support the claims you make.  Were any of these outcomes the ones you identified as needing to strengthen in your Pre-Course Reflection?  If so, explain how the process of composing Project 1 helped strengthen these outcomes?
  • For each of the four WPA Outcomes sections, identify at least one specific bullet point that challenged you during the composition of your first multimodal project (four bullet points total). Explain in detail why each of these were difficult for you in Project 1 and how working on them strengthened your skills.  Provide specific examples from your Project 1 work that support the claims you make.
  1. Habits of Mind (HoM) Section. Consider how the eight Habits of Mind (Curiosity, Creativity, Engagement, Flexibility, Metacognition, Openness, Persistence, and Responsibility) impacted your Project 1 process.
  • Explain which 2-3 HoM most contributed to your Project 1 success. Make clear claims about your learning and provide specific examples from your Project 1 work that support each claim you make.  Were any of these HoM the ones you identified as needing to strengthen in your Pre-Course Reflection?  If so, how has the process of composing Project 1 helped strengthen these HoM?  Again, provide examples.
  • Explain which 2-3 HoMchallenged you the most during the Project 1 process.  Make clear claims about your learning and provide specific examples from your Project 1 work that support each claim you make.

Evidence: Examples of specific evidence from Project 1 might come from any of the following:

  • excerpts from your rough or revised drafts of projects
  • excerpts from your invention and revision assignments and discussion board posts
  • excerpts from your portfolio’s content
  • feedback from your instructor, writing mentor, and/or peers
  1. Transfer Section. In this section, consider how you practiced or applied (transferred) your learning in the WPA Outcomes or HoM to writing or composing you have done in other classes and/or in your professional, civic, or personal life.
  • Discuss 1-2 bullet points from any of the WPA Outcomes that you have transferred.
  • Discuss 2-3 Habits of Mind that you have transferred.
  • Provide specific examples (pulled directly from your writing and/or composing in other classes or contexts) that demonstrate how you have used these skills and practices for other writing and composing. Examples or evidence from other classes or other contexts might come from the following sources:
  • written or multimedia work in other courses
  • written or multimedia work you compose for a professional situation (e.g., emails to supervisors or coworkers, PowerPoint presentations, reports)
  • written communication with family members, including on social media sites, texts, and emails
  • writing you do for fun or as a creative outlet
  • composing you do in your community, for instance, a letter to the editor or a comment on a political blog.
  1. Theory of Writing Section. In this section, you will continue to discuss your identity as a writer and develop your own personal theory of how writing impacts and will continue to impact your life—academically, professionally, socially, etc.—as you progress in your education and advance in your career.
  • Discuss how the way you view yourself as a writer has changed since the beginning of class.
  • Discuss how your feelings about writing have changed. Include specific examples from the composing you have done to support your claims.
  • What are your goals for continuing to improve as a rhetorical writer?  Explain any other activities, practices, or skills you think you will need to reach these goals.

Multimodality:  Your reflection should not be a simple, black-and-white textual document.  For this second reflection, you should incorporate at least three of the following:

  • Engaging images, videos, or even audio content
  • Screenshots of your previous work or feedback
  • Entire embedded files that your readers can scroll through

You might also consider including

  • colored and formatted text to emphasize key words and phrases
  • hyperlinks to guide readers to other areas of your Portfolio or even external websites

Length:  750-1250 words

Organization and Evidence: Organize your reflection in a way that clearly shows that you have addressed each requirement thoroughly.  For example, you can create sections of paragraphs and use headings.  Just make sure that the various requirements are clearly distinguished.

Remember to also provide sufficient and a variety of multimodal examples that you have carefully selected to support your reflection.