This assignment requires you to conduct and write about a research project based on a topic of your choice. Your topic should be related to your studies and agreed with your supervisor.  There should be an attempt to answer the research question posed (by the student). It should incorporate an in-depth critical review of the related academic literature and recommendations as to a practical implementation of a solution to the identified research problem. Detailed assessment criteria can be found in the following section.

Your Report should be structured in a way that includes all of the following sections. A document expanding on the requirements of each section is located on Moodle:

  • Title Page
  • Signed Declaration of Originality
  • Ethical Approval Certificate
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abstract
  • Contents Page
  • List of Tables/Figures
  • Introduction, Research Question(s) and Aims and Objectives
    • Context/background, rationale, research questions, aims and objectives.
  • Literature Review
    • Coverage of previous studies on this subject, gaps in the literature, theories and concepts.
  • Methods and Ethical Issues
    • How did you collect data? Why did you do it this way? How reliable is the data? What ethical issues existed?
  • Analysis, Findings and Discussion
    • Could be split into two chapters: results, then discussion. Results: clearly presented, trends identified. Discussion: what do your results mean? What are the implications? How do results relate to the literature?
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
    • Have the research questions been answered? Were aims and objectives met? Recommendations should be practical and academic.
  • References
  • Appendices

Important – Word Limits

Please note that the sections in italics must be included, but do not count towards the word limit of 8000 words. Appendices are not marked but may be added to support your work.  Further guidance on the word limit is included below.

Criteria for Assessment  

Mark range FBL – UG Project Marking Guidelines

80 –100%

The work shows an excellent structure and is well communicated. It is coherent and shows an outstanding level of critical evaluation and analysis with aspects of originality and insight. Evidence of extensive reading beyond the relevant literature, demonstrating a thorough understanding of how the project fits with the wider context of the subject matter. The work demonstrates outstanding research design and is an exceptional piece of work for an undergraduate project. All Learning Outcomes have been met to the highest standards.

70 – 79%

The work has an excellent structure and is well communicated. It is coherent and shows an excellent level of critical evaluation and analysis with signs of originality, insight and design. Evidence of reading beyond the immediately relevant literature, demonstrating a clear understanding of how the project fits with the wider context of the subject matter. The work demonstrates outstanding research design and is an excellent piece of work for an undergraduate project. All Learning Outcomes have been met to an excellent standard.

60 – 69%

The work is of a very good standard, has relevant aims and objectives and an appropriate research design. Clear evidence of independent inquiry and critical evaluation in selecting, ordering and analysing. The work reviews immediately relevant literature, and to a limited extent, beyond. The work shown is very well designed and very well-presented with a logical and coherent structure. All Learning Outcomes overall have been met to a very good standard.

50 – 59%

The work is of a good standard overall. The aims and objectives have been identified. There is evidence of reading of relevant literature. Appropriate theory and analysis is included. The work demonstrates good application of theory to the analysis, with some critical evaluation, though much is descriptive. The work is well designed and generally well presented and logically structured. All Learning Outcomes have been met to a good standard.

40 – 49%

The work shows an attempt to answer the research question. There is a lack of focus with only a basic analysis presented and whilst work shows reading of some relevant literature it fails to critically engage with it. The presentation of the literature is descriptive, not analytical. The work demonstrates a basic attempt to undertake appropriate research (either primary or secondary) and shows a basic understanding of the chosen topic. The Learning Outcomes have been met to a minimum standard.

20 – 39%

The work is poorly organised with superficial description and shows very limited understanding or analysis of the issues involved.

The work fails to reach an adequate UG level, either in an important area, or is generally weak and lacks depth and rigor in several areas. The standard of presentation and writing requires significant improvement. The learning outcomes have not been met to the minimum standard.


Note: The resubmission of work should demonstrate how the feedback received has been addressed.

The student may need to gain ethical approval if new data will be collected.

Assignment Brief Template



0 – 19%

The work is extremely weak and poorly organized, superficial description with virtually no understanding or analysis of the issues involved. No attempt at synthesis. No evidence of having read the relevant literature. No evidence of original thought or research. The work has failed to demonstrate meeting the learning outcomes.


Note: The resubmission of work should demonstrate how the feedback received has been addressed.

The student may need to gain ethical approval if new data will be collected.