Use the following formula to answer all questions

 Historical representation of documented materials the student must maintain Topicality

  1. Topicality is what the Author is talking about.
  2. Student will generate from research sources an original idea of the topic.

The only questions you need to ask in History

  1. Why is it historically significant? Author’s table of contents of chapters in the textbook.
  2. What impact did it have on society? The subject’s that make up the chapter in the textbook which the author is using to discuss a topic.
  3. This will allow you to amass information on the topics mention in whatever the question is.

For example…what economic, social or political event Impacted Change during that time  and why?

For historical representation of documented materials the student must incorporate primary and secondary sources into their responses……

These are the easiest to remember… DATES & DEFINITIONS!

***These would be found in the Chapter Chronology and the Glossary of terms

**** Historical Inquiry response requires 2 distinctive forms of impact yet there are three that students can use as guides 


Your examples will give specific situations:           Author will use these in his examples:

Issues/Event……what caused it……Economic……………………………….Money, Trade, Commerce

Problem/Solution…..why it happened…………Social………………………Religion, People, Policy

Affects/Effects…….how & when…….Political…………………………………Laws, Rules, government

FYI————-*You need an original idea and any two will do……

  • ESP=1, 2, 3

How to use the formula:

  • Determine the significance and impact of topic……1
  • Use any two of the impacts mentioned above…….2
  • To check your answer for completion make sure your provide supporting documentation using any three of the historical inquiry response methods…….3

Historical inquiry method of response

Who, What, When, Why, Where, & How

Remember……….Any Three will set you free