
Task 1 : Read the provided articles, expressing the opinions of the two authors on a topic of the futuristic industries.

Links to articles

1.The new water technologies that could save the planet What are the new and emerging technologies that will help business overcome the scarcity of clean, fresh water

2 .  Rare earth elements: Development sustainability and policy issues RWyJMAAAAA:cG7bqTFNULlhGMUv5j1q5yVVlxDPSpkhguue1UEHW1J0bcVDFIFS4QBgk42W5tJtSmN R9qg

Task 3 : Design a plan or concept map, to plan a discursive essay on the same topic.

Task 4 : Write the essay of a maximum 500 words, accordingly to your plan. In addition, cite and reference the given articles in Harvard style.


The three most important advances in society in the past 20

years that will shape our future after the Covid-19.