What are the elements of effective performance management?
Would you enjoy being evaluated using a social performance management system where your co-workers are free to leave and see feedback provided by others about the quality of your work?
Do you believe that annual or semi-annual performance reviews are enough to motivate and retain employees and to correct performance when necessary? Defend your point of view.

Two pages minimum, double-spaced. Cite your references when you present facts. Use APA formatting, in-text citations and add a reference section. Paraphrase your research.
All papers should include double-spacing, abstract, in-text citations (when you paraphrase research), and a matching reference. Do not use sources such as encyclopedias or dictionaries. If you are adding your opinion, adding research is added value to your paper. In most cases, unless your opinion is requested, all papers should be written in the third person. You might also be interested in reading the section on “Writing Graduate-Level Papers on the syllabus.