1. Critical understanding of the appropriate use of data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.
2. The comprehensive completion of statistical analysis testing in a format suitable within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.

Using the data provided on BREO, you are required to write two sections commonly found in published research article. The first is the ‘Statistical Analysis’ section of the ‘Methodology’ and the second is the ‘Results’ section. The assignment must not exceed 1000 words in length, not counting references and word count within tables and figures (including table and figure legends). Include a word count on your final page. Use black, 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font with double-spacing. Ensure that you include a plagiarism statement with your submission.

In order to pass Assessment 1, you will need to:
• Present an appropriate statistical analysis of a set of data
• Provide an analysis of research design and the assumptions of this statistical test to a standard that would be deemed acceptable within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.
• Provide tables and figures to an appropriate manner.

Attend a variety of lectures and workshop sessions to allow an exploration of the relevant and wide range of statistical analysis used in sport, exercise and health sciences. There will be opportunity to challenge certain methods in discussion and workshop sessions.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

Students will learn through tutors and peers with face to face activity and online tasks. There will be a problem based approach to learning, to enable the highlighting of the prerequisite skills required to be a student researcher.