Part 1

The first part of the portfolio is in two parts. Part one is a reflective piece on what you have learnt about types of academic writing and why academic writing styles are important for university purposes. This will be 350 words and can be descriptive and written in first person. The aim is to show your understanding of the different types of academic writing and why you think they are important for your study.

  1. ‘What are the key academic writing styles and why are they important’? (Approx. 350 words)
  2. This second part is an introduction to your topic of interest, which you will be investigating over the course of the semester (approx. 150 words). This is background information on your topic of interest and show reasons why this is an important area for investigation. The topic of your liking must be related to Health and Social Care discipline/field and introduce the topic.

NOTE: You must be comfortable with your chosen topic as you will later research fully into this (in the part 2 of the assessment for this module) during when you will be asked to choose three different journal articles on your chosen topic. In relation to the articles, the following will have to be addressed: the type of research (i.e. is it positivistic or anti-positivistic?), introduction of the research, description of the methods used, description of the results and the conclusion (the contribution of research to the topic area).