As everyone knows, the Covid-19 crisis has dealt a terrible blow to the hospitality and tourism industry. The real question is not whether the industry will recover but when and how will that be accomplished. Considering the following segments of the industry:

A. Cruise Lines

B. Resorts and resort Hotels

C. Business travel oriented hotels

D. Airlines

Respond to the following questions:

1. Which of the above segments of the industry have been hurt the most – why do you think this is so? (Additional research beyond the articles provided will help you with this one – be as specific with data as possible)

2. Which one segment of the industry from the 4 listed do you think will be the first to recover to pre-crisis levels and why? Choose one segment only. Make sure to defend your choice using citations from the reading and other outside sources.

3. What major changes to the way they have always done business will the one segment you chose have to make in order to regain public trust and acceptance and bring back customers as quickly as possible. Be specific