The world is paying attention to the ongoing pandemic disease, coronavirus also known as COVID-19. Unlike other viruses such as SARS and MERS, COVID-19 is driving modern societies to the edge of the cliff. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern due to its impacts on varied fields. Several scholarly groups are concentrating on finding a truth connoting that the virus not only disturbs global health but also mortally disorder overall economies and politics both at domestic and international levels.

Although the technology industries are becoming more conspicuous to quarantined societies, the prospective indication after this outbreak denotes an economic plunge in IT stock markets. Since the government fortified to close the places where people need to be drawn closer, schools, companies, and public places, workers, students, and teachers start using the technology to contact each other and enrich their quarantined lives. On that account, technology companies like Zoom, Netflix, and Amazon have great alternation in their share price (BBC News). According to the graph, we can realize that the share price of Zoom has the largest increase between five month. However, this positive effect can bring negative changes after the pandemic. The quarantined life and lockdown are the reason why the consumption of these technologies is incredibly increased but after this, there is a tendency that people may not use them as often as now. Thus, they might face the tremendous loss of their finance because of reduced demand. For example, when this pandemic situation gets better, students and workers can go back to their normal life. Then, the consumption of the technology might be decreased. To prepare for that situation in domestic degrees, the governments need to support the companies for assuring workers’ leisure time. Also, for schools, they can help them to have a ‘smart class day’ in which the students and teachers have classes using the technology. For the international level, countries should have meetings virtually when they have an emergency or lack of time to meet in-person. If we prepare like these, we will be able to prevent the great recession from the technology industry.

International Business Diplomacy after Coronavirus Pandemic. Analyze and predict how the coronavirus pandemic will impact the international business diplomacy including discussion on how we should prepare at national and/or international level.