Covid 19 Issue research-related.

• WHAT is the health issue or topic? (i.e., condition or disease or issue)
• WHY is it important?
• WHO does the health issue affect? People/population/problem (What are the characteristics of the population?
• Comparisons (What is the alternative to the intervention? How is this health issue addressed? What measures are in place to PREVENT worsening of the health issue?)
• Outcomes (What are the relevant outcomes of this health issue? i.e., morbidity, death, complications)
• HOW will your proposed solution make a difference?

Begin the process of gathering your sources by first searching for your topic in Google Scholar or using databases available through internet. Locate and record citations to articles, books and documents that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. Choose three sources that are relevant to your health issue or topic, you will individually write three annotations that are between 150-200 words, summarizing the central theme and scope of the article. The annotation must be written in APA style.