Using the articles from the Reading Packets, and considering the films we screened in class, what injustice, locally or Globally, would you commit an act of CIVIC ENGAGMENT or PROTEST FOR?
In your answer consider, and offer answers to these questions: Why this injustice? What is your connection to it or why does it touch you? What would your act of Protest be? Would you choose an act of violence or non-violence? Why? Where would you commit this act? Who else might be join you? What outcome would you be satisfied with? Refer to the readings and films to support your position.
4 Easy Steps:

1) Choose a current injustice (local or global) that you would be willing to commit an act of civic engagement or protest for,

2) Briefly summarize the Injustice, then

3) Compare TWO WAYS your chosen Injustice is SIMILAR to one of the Injustices presented in the films we screened. Then,

4) Compare TWO WAYS your Injustice is DIFFERENT from one of the Injustices presented in the films we screened. QUESTION #2 (at least 750 words) Using the 8 Stages of A Social Movement use TWO films and detail how they show these.