Complete the purpose statement and performance standards sections of strategic alignment worksheets for two functional areas of a fictional organization. Then write a 2 page summary analysis of the strategic alignment work that was done.

-In the Section 2: Purpose Statement table, provide thoughtful answers to the four questions to arrive at your purpose statement for each functional area. Explain how the purpose statement will help produce effective results.
-In the Section 3: Performance Standards table, identify at least three strategically aligned performance standards that will be used to measure the performance of the functional area team. Provide a rationale for each identified performance standard and explain how managers can support the team through measuring performance and taking corrective action.

*In your analysis, address the following questions:
For each worksheet, explain how the purpose statement for that functional area addresses the people leadership aspects of management by promoting trust, motivating employees, and supporting collaboration. Assess potential management challenges associated with the purpose statement.
– explain how the performance standards reflect strategic alignment with the organization, through support of the other sections of the worksheets (the goals and activities and purpose statement) and your revised organizational charts