1. In the Middle Ages/Renaissance, feudalism stratified society. How was dance expressed in the upper and lower classes?
  2. What was Catherine de Medici’s role in the evolution of ballet?
  3. Watch the Royal Ballet video on the evolution of ballet and describe how the technique evolved.
  4. George Balanchine started the first formal school of American ballet with Lincoln Kirstein in 1934. Where and how did these two individuals meet?  What were their roles in launching the school?
  5. Describe Balanchine’s neoclassical style of ballet and how does the dance Agon illustrate this style.
  6. Which Balanchine dancer was the first artistic director of the Miami City Ballet? What were some of his most notable ballets while he was working with Balanchine.
  7. 7. Both in Alonzo King’s Writing Ground and La la la Human Steps Amelia, there is an exploration of the female in society and her emotions. In these pieces, what themes and emotions are expressed in each? This is your reflection.  (Answer in 100 words)
  8. Martha Graham’s technique includes contraction/release of the spine, which became a signature of her approach. How was this connected to the expression of emotion, according to Graham?
  9. In Mary Wigman’s Witch Dance, she portrays raw emotion. How does it reflect German Expressionism, an artistic movement that flourished during her time?
  10. In the Moor’s Pavane, Jose Limon takes a modern look at the dances of the Renaissance. What were Limon’s creative objectives in this piece?
  11. 11. In Kurt Jooss’s iconic The Green Table, how is the anti-war message expressed in dance? What war was he referring to? (answer in 100 words)
  12. Name an important work by Pina Bausch and why it’s historically significant. (answer in 100 words)
  13. 13. Describe the contribution of Merce Cunningham to the post modern dance movement? Why are his works/approaches significant to dance history?  (answer in 100 words)
  14. Describe Trisha Brown’s choreographic objective and methodology in her piece Set/Reset?
  15. Define Steve Paxton’s contact improvisation method and how it reflected his aesthetic.
  16. Deborah Hay is a postmodern dance artist working today. In her work, Figure a Sea, what are some of the tools she uses to help dancers generate movement? (hint: in the video posted in the Power Point)
  17. What are the objectives of Ohad Naharin’s Gaga method?
  18. 18. Rennie Harris and Crystal Pite work in completely different genres. Compare/contrast their approaches to choreography.  What are their similarities and differences? (answer in 100 words)
  19. Select the video you liked the most and describe how it illustrates your definition of dance.(answer in 100 words)
  20. What was Jack Cole’s contribution to Jazz dance?
  21. In the video Hellzapoppin, what is the commentary being made on race/class?
  22. Describe Bob Fosse’s style of jazz dance?
  23. Master Juba, Bojangles and Savion Glover are important figures in tap dance. Please summarize their contributions to the genre. (answer in 100 words)
  24. What are the differences between Modern and Contemporary Dance as they are practiced today?