Explain what the issue is, the different positions that are defended with respect to the issue (e.g. for or against), the central arguments made by each side, and lastly, use three different normative ethical theories to explain why the relevant action(s) would be considered right or wrong.

Normative ethical theories:

Egoism, Utilitarianism, Kantianism, Social Contract Theory, Virtue Ethics, Natural Law Theory, Divine Command Theory). What would a utilitarian say about the issue? A Kantian? While introducing the issue, you might want to provide a brief history of the issue (1 or 2 paragraphs).

Structure the paper so that the first 2 pages are introductory with the remaining pages dedicated to applying the ethical theories to the issue at hand. Feel free to separate sections with their own headings (e.g. Introduction, Conclusion, Utilitarianism, Kantianism, etc.). Your research paper should draw from at least four different sources, only one of which should be an encyclopedia entry.