Write a report about the Impact of Covid19 on two markets of your interest. ANY two markets you choose in ANY country you choose. Two actual markets NOT hypothetical. Examples for markets; Hand sanitizers, soap, essential food markets (like milk, eggs, meat and bread) cloth, tourism, air flights, public transportation, uber, stock market, fast food markets), etc…
step 2- For every market, discuss the following points:- – how the changes in the demand determinants and supply determinants affected the demand and the supply i.e, how Covid 19 affected the market supply and demand? – how the changes in the supply and demand affected the equilibrium price and quantity. – how the two markets affect each other. Are they complements or substitutes? How the changes that take place in one market affect the other? – the elasticity of demand in the two markets i.e, how sensitive the quantity demand is to the changes in prices. (Week 3 material) – Did the government intervene in any of your markets? How? What is the implication if any? Step 3- You don’t have to collect data for this assignment. You just need to understand how the Covid 19 affected the market supply, demand, price and equilibrium in the market in general without exact values that might be hard to collect. You can show the changes in the demand and supply graphically without values. You will need to conduct some research in order to understand how the market performed before, and after the Covid 19. Below some references where you can search for articles about the impact of Covid19 on the markets that might interest you.