So far this semester, you picked a branded product in the mobile devices industry and wrote a value proposition for the brand. You also conducted limited consumer research to create a positioning statement for a specific customer segment that you believe should be (or is) targeted by the brand. This lesson, you will use that same customer segment (VALS Thinkers) to create and analyze a product schema and make recommendations for your chosen brand.

Step 1
Restate the customer segment you’re targeting: VALS Thinkers

Step 2
If needed, conduct more or different research on the target customer segment using credible sources (consider using the online University Libraries) to discover how your segment uses mobile devices and what they expect from them. It’s very possible that you will find information that only indirectly affirms their expectations and uses.

NOTE: Researching a lifestyle type is a bit like being a detective. Piece it together. For example, look at the types of entertainment and products they are likely to buy and then research their consumers. Or look up behaviors for two or three identifying characteristics (generations, potential careers, wealth, personality traits) and look for overlaps.

Each week, look for one or two new insights. This week, focus on psychological motivation—since that’s a key concept in this lesson.

Step 3
Interview at least five people who fall within your segment. Ask them (in a group or separately) what words come to mind when you say mobile devices. You can be more specific to tablets, laptops, or smartphones if you believe it will provide better insights. Finding VALS Thinkers may prove difficult, so please find people who fit at least two of the characteristics of Thinkers.

Step 4
Use the information in Steps 2 and 3 to construct a schema. Though this obviously isn’t enough research to completely project the segment’s comprehension of the mobile devices industry, for the purposes of this assignment, assume that this information is complete.

Step 5
In 2–3 well-written paragraphs, discuss the exemplars, prototypes, and opportunities for mobile devices. Compare your findings to the positioning statement you created. Does your positioning statement need to be changed or tweaked based on this week’s analysis? Provide cited support for your analysis and conclusions.

Step 6
Add one additional paragraph in which you recommend at least one type of comprehension influencer, how you will use it, and why you recommend it.

Step 7
Next, include an updated positioning statement in the document created in Steps 5 and 6. Don’t hand in the positioning statement as a separate document; Canvas won’t allow you to do so when Turnitin is being used to submit your work.