To organize efficiently and effectively, an organization must have a well-defined formal structure. This allows for flow of information/communication, assigning of tasks and allocation of resources. Review a company’s organizational chart and comment on the structure, you could review a company you have worked for as well. If using this site when choosing a chart, by default only names not the positions appear. Double-click one of the names on the chart and the titles/positions will appear. A good example on this site is the structure of AT&T, some charts on this site are very incomplete, so choose carefully. Also many industries are represented on this site so try to find one in line with your field. Although these charts do not show the most basic level, I believe we can begin to understand the underlying structure. Comments could be drawn from the following statements and questions:
1.How is the span of management divided?
2. Is unity of command established so individuals are only answering to one boss?
3. Is the organizational chart considered flat or tall?
4. How are departments within the organization divided?