What coping strategies are most effective in reducing postpartum stress?

For this topic, focus on specific coping strategies for stress and test the effectiveness of these strategies for mothers who have recently given birth. Be sure to review the literature to find appropriate measures for stress. Note: A successful paper in this area would not be too complicated and would consider realistic coping strategies that can be compared for effectiveness. It may be helpful to include a control group, but a control group that does something benign rather simply a “no condition” control would likely be stronger comparison

answer the following:
1. What specific research question do you have based off of this topic?
2. What two peer-reviewed sources (within the last 10 years) support your investigation (create an evaluative annotation for these two sources)
3. What are your dependent and independent variables of interest?
4. Create a hypothesis?
5. A very preliminary plan of how you might test your hypothesis
6. What analytic procedure you will use to obtain your result.