Describe the group meeting and purpose and your reason for selecting this experience:

Planned topic of content for the meeting:

What topic or content was addressed?

Brief summary of the meeting

Describe the group climate / atmosphere of the meeting. What contributed to this climate?

Did you see any connections or alliances between members? Between whom? What connected them?

Were there any new problems, issues, or themes brought up in the meeting?

Describe any challenging group dynamics and your assessment of these dynamics.

What group member roles did you see played out? (e.g. silent member, dominating, clown, peacemaker, etc.)

What was accomplished and/or what results occurred during this meeting?

What did you do well during this meeting? What skills, tools or interventions did you use that were successful

What did not go well during this meeting? Describe what you could have done differently. Describe how you could you have been more effective.

What models, theories or techniques did you use in this group interaction to guide your practice and involvement with others?

In retrospect, were your responses at the meeting selected through deliberate reflection, linkage, and planning? If not, how did they arise?

Explain what cultural and/or ethical issues or dilemmas arose in the meeting, and how you responded. What might you do differently in the future?

What information, knowledge, or advice do you need regarding this group that would help you in the future? Where will you find it (e.g., in the literature, from a colleague, or from a supervisor)?

What goals, plans and professional responses are needed in future interactions for this group to be more successful or effective?

What questions will you follow up with your supervisor on regarding this case?