The following research questions (RQs) would be useful to ensure that an in-depth understanding of the study topic “Hollywood and the lack of diversity” obtained.

RQ1. What is the impact of the African-Americans on the creation of Hollywood Films?

  • What characteristics and qualifications deter African-Americans from appearing in Hollywood films?
  • What characteristics and qualifications promotes white dominance in Hollywood films?

RQ2. Why is the media so stereotypic, despite being a federal agency that should promote equality and non-discriminative ideologies?

  • What roles does the media play in Oscar’s awards films?
  • What is the relationship between culture and media in the United States of America?

RQ3. How does America’s media compare in terms of African-Americans and white’s composition?

  • Is a higher population of one category in the Hollywood associated with the white dominance in Oscar’s award?
  • Does the media undermine the roles of African-Americans in the Hollywood Industry?