Discussion Question Content

Answer ALL of the following:

  • Why it is appropriate to provide the theoretical foundation for your problem statement?
  • How does a theoretical foundation specifically link to the problem statement for the study?
  • What are TWO of the theories or models that comprise the theoretical foundations for your study?
  • Why do you believe these two theories or models are relevant to the study?

Format Instructions

A response should average between 250-300 words in length. The post should include appropriate foundation knowledge and be factual and enhance the ongoing dialogue. Meaning you should have at least one supporting academic source. Responses should focus on enriching the discussion by providing topic-related ideas that encourage classmates to continue forward with the topic’s narrative.

You are expected not simply to report what others have already stated, but to demonstrate application and/or reflection of knowledge such that you enhance the meaning of the material. Contributing to the discussion should promote an exciting, vibrant, shared learning community that accomplishes two of the following:

  • Expands on someone’s comments in a value-adding, topic-related way.
  • Promotes a collaborative, supportive doctoral community.

Note: “One-liners,” off-topic posts, vague statements, unsupported opinions, and inadequate explanations or posts do not meet the requirements listed above.