Write a fictitious letter to your dear friend “Mary” who has just found out she is expecting a baby. Be sure to include information that you consider to be crucial for Mary to know. Examples of information to include are stages of prenatal development, teratogens to stay away from, the importance of nutrition, stages of labor, birthing options, prenatal yoga and prenatal massage, Lamaze/birthing classes, and prenatal testing. You will present this information in a letter to Mary — how you format is up to you. This assignment provides you the opportunity to evaluate the information presented on prenatal development and select the information that you believe is essential for an expecting mother to know.


Type a 2- to 3-page letter to Mary. It is up to you how you would like to write the letter and what information you would like to include in the letter. Feel free to personalize it however you would like, including personal sentiments or pictures if you wish. In the letter, you must include at least 3 of the concepts that are covered in our text (be specific which textbook concepts you used and include the page/section numbers).  This extra credit assignment is worth up to 20 points and must be submitted before the deadline.  Late assignments will not be accepted.