Upon leaving University you join a multinational oil and gas exploration company based in the UK. You are appointed as a team leader for a project that will pave the way for the organisation to operate in an emerging African economy.

Assess the skills that you will require to prepare the ground for the expansion of the enterprise.  You will assess your own skill levels and outline an appropriate personal development plan.

It is crucial for the success of the project that personnel from the home country and the emerging economy are merged into a single team. You will highlight any factors that may inhibit this process.

As team leader you will have a say in how the team is selected and you will demonstrate your sensitivity to the issues involved in building a multinational team.

You will also demonstrate an understanding of globalisation and the contextual issues that will be the critical success factors for the success of the project.

  1. Demonstrate an awareness of the need for cross-cultural communication, negotiation, leadership and team-building skills.
  2. Critically evaluate global issues and utilize this knowledge for critical thinking, thoughtful analysis, and globally-conscious decision-making.