Consider Othello’s racial identity in Othello. How is he marked as an outsider? How do others describe him? How does he describe himself? Does his identity change throughout the play? If so, why? Create a thesis-based literary analysis about how Othello’s racial identity works in the play. Support this analysis with specific quotations from and descriptions of the text of the play. Note: You are also welcome to bring in other characters (including, but not limited to, characters who represent constructions of “whiteness” in the play) to compare, contrast, or add to your perspective on Othello and race.

Submit at least 2,000 words (include the word count underneath your name and before the date in the upper left hand section of your first page).
Follow MLA guidelines for essay format and citations (no “Works Cited” page is required unless you include outside sources, but your essay must be formatted with one-inch margins in Times New Roman font using proper in-text citation and double spaced). Note that when citing a line from a Shakespeare play you use the act, scene, and line number or line number rages in your in-text citation: (3.2.174) or (1.3.25-37) are examples of how this would look