Create assessment questions that you think would be helpful for understanding the youth’s presenting issues and the family history and family dynamics that are impacting the current struggles. You will need to create and post 5 questions in the discussion board for one of the 4 case studies that you signed up for. For each question, you need to specify who you are asking the question to, and whether they are asked individually or when the entire family is present. You also need to explain why you would ask each question and explain what you are hoping to get out of asking the question. Each case study has a general discussion board where you are encouraged to collaborate with the other students who share that case. Note that the general discussion will not be marked.
Review the questions posted in the discussion board before you post your own, and do not reiterate a question that has been asked by another student. Do not reiterate questions that have been already asked, as we may need to do assessments with other practitioners in the room, and sometimes the question we want to ask has been already been asked, so what do we do then? We need to be flexible with our questions and our line of thinking. You can also review the questions that may have already been posted and you can come up with follow up questions. These case studies are each incredibly complex with a lot of information attached, but there is also a lot of information missing about these families.
Keep in mind that each of these case studies present unique differences with the individual and the family, whether this centers around race, culture, immigration, sexual or gender identity, disability, etc. You need to keep these differences in mind for this assignment and future assignments in this course. Be thoughtful about how these differences impact the individual and family presenting concerns, how they can create barriers and how they can also be strengths.